I am called upon to humble myself under the mighty hand of God knowing He will strengthen, complete, establish, and settle me. 1 Peter 5:7 I get to Admit my pieces of wood in my own eye!
My next step is to cast all my cares on the ONE who cares for me. I do not have to move into fear and then make the giant leap into anger thinking I am being opposed, overlooked, or disregarded by others.
I will choose to be alert for I know the m/o of the evil one, and he always prowls about to entice my fears, to arouse my anger. and then I speak my inner vows/judgments against others.
My final step is to begin the process of forgiving others as I have been forgiven. No small transaction for sure! It is a process, and by faith, I will make that statement until it becomes my God-honoring response.
Don't know about you, but I need the grace of the LORD GOD to pray about the sawdust in the lives of others and allow the HOLY SPIRIT to correct my pieces of wood/planks in my own life. Thank YOU for grace.
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