Maybe all of Paul's imprisonments and beatings were part of the motivation of 1 Thessalonians 5:18, "give thanks in all circumstances, for this is GOD'S will for you in CHRIST JESUS." Could that have been a part of the praying and praising of Paul and Silas?
Out of the commotion, a jailer and his family come to salvation. When the magistrates found out Paul and Silas were Roman citizens, 'they were alarmed" for they had beaten, imprisoned, and offered no trial for two Roman citizens. They were so alarmed that they "escorted them from the prison", and requested that they leave the city.
Obviously Paul and Silas had a gigantic trust in the Sovereign LORD GOD. HE is never hindered by a jail cell, chains, or guards. Our attitude and our response in the circumstance is what may hinder the HOLY SPIRIT from loosing us. I want out of the circumstance while GOD may desire I experience praise and thanksgiving IN the circumstance. I continue in the learning curve of being trained by the SPIRIT of GOD.
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