![Image result for alert sign remove writing underneath the alert sign](
It was said of the ancient Jewish tribe of Issachar that they understood the signs of the times. We, however, are like the proverbial frog in the heating water. We don't know it is HOT until we are burned to a crisp or dead. Then I am not too sure of what a dead frog knows!
This is not the time to isolate, to grab our blankies and passies or to cry like Henny Penny, "the sky is falling", but it is time for us as the body of Christ to rise up and declare, "ENOUGH!" The signs of the times are pressing, pushing, and fighting against the Truths of Scripture and would persuade us that there is only relative truth and there is no NORTH on the compass. This culture would have us believe that right is wrong and that wrong is right...all depending on the circumstance. God forgive us for not modeling consistently the TRUTH that GOD'S word will not pass away. We have not been alert, guarding, and watchful, hence abortion, human trafficking, and rights of ones who want to ignore gender and marriage of a man and a woman. How interesting that the old game of play-like. "I will play-like I am GOD and I will do exactly as I want to do and there are no consequences. I am above and beyond the purview of GOD." FATHER GOD have mercy on us for our refusal to practice the TRUTH that we know from YOUR word. In the process, I am NOT suggesting a self-righteous judgmental spirit, but rather a spirit of concern, compassion, and brokenness for our own sin of apathy and being unconscious to the schemes of evil. As the body of CHRIST are we "eagerly praying" stretched to the extremities yet willing to yield to the extremities of GOD, ALL POWERFUL ONE?
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