Image result for Children playing clipartThank the LORD for the wonderful years of being a child and having that wonderful free and creative imagination to play-like/pretend.  I was an only child, even though having friends and playing daily with them, I still had a play-like friend, Cat Fiddle.  I have scratched and searched in the brain to see if I could recall the why of the play-like friend, no reason,  but I do recall the comfort of play-like.  There were days of play-like: mommy, cooking (usually mud pies in my little metal stove toy), or dolls, whatever my imagination could perceive.

I Corinthians 13:11 reminds me "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.  When I became a man/woman, I put childish ways behind me." As an adult, I yearn for the creativity which has alluded me, but the old games of play-like which were innocent as a child can take another form mind-games even deception.  Let's play-like there are no consequences to doing what I want to do.  Let's play-like that there is no right and wrong and it is all about being relative to the situation.  Let's play-like that I have all the money in the world and can buy whatever I want.  Let's play-like I am in control! Let's play-like I am the center of the world, my family, my friends and they each exist to make me happy. 

I have only thought of a few play-like games and most of the time the choice to play-like may not be a conscious act.  Can we become so comfortable in play-like that we ignore the real?  By the grace of GOD, the real is that there is the Word of GOD and it clearly reveals the mind/thought standard, THE MIND OF CHRIST and the behavior standard, THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF CHRIST.  Because I have chosen to be a Christ Follower and HIS SPIRIT lives in me, I can have the mind of CHRIST and I have been given HIS righteousness.  The WORD of GOD is like the NORTH on a compass.  Wherever I am, whatever I am doing, wherever I am going, NORTH does not change (even below the Equator!)  The Psalmist David says it the best: "YOUR WORD, O LORD is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens." 119:89 HOLY SPIRIT reveal those mind games, the lies to which I default that do not align with the WORD which "stands firm" in the heavens. 


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