I confess I am somewhat like David in Psalm 69: "Save me, O GOD, for the waters have come up to my neck, I sink in the miry depths, where there is no foothold." As cares: financial muck, circumstances which press, or messes to which I have contributed begin to swamp me, I get overwhelmed. There is no stable ground to gain traction to push myself out of the swamp and miry depth. WAIT! I do have a RESCUER: "But I pray to you, O LORD...rescue me from the mire, do not let me sink."
The cares of this world become an unstable ground of mire/fear. I borrow a quote from Mike Bickle, "Fear is the mental construct that our Father in heaven is not good enough, committed enough, strong enough, or capable enough to let His kingdom come and His absolute perfect will be done. In short, we believe He is unable to come through."
Oswald puts the onus back on me with his statement/command with YOU understood, "Refuse" to be swamped. My safety tip: (1.) I will humble myself under the mighty hand of GOD trusting HIM to raise me up and I will cast my cares/fears/distractions/anxieties on HIM. 1 Peter 5:7 (2.) Be alert to the swamp signs and go another route!
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