As I have glibly read Acts 7, I have never connected the dots that Saul, who had been breathing out murderous threats against the LORD'S disciples and witnessed the stoning of Stephen may have been impacted by the last words of Stephen, "LORD, do not hold this sin against them." Acts 8 records the church is growing in spite of the great persecution, and then ACTS 9 records ole Saul on his way to Damascus to to round up more Christians for jail, is now on the ground, blinded and hearing a voice, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting."  

The encounter with the LORD certainly got his attention and changed his heart.  I just wonder, how hearing Stephen's message, watching the stoning of Stephen, and giving approval for his death may have been downloaded into his memory files?  How effective are the words, I forgive you? 

How effective is Matthew 6:14, I forgive others of their offenses as I have been forgiven by my Heavenly Father?  That simple conjunction "as" gives a whole new perspective to forgiveness.  I forgive just like I have been forgiven over and over again, more than 70 x 7, and continuously by my LORD.  Am I willing to humble myself to the LORD to give forgiveness and to bask in the grace and mercy of forgiveness that I have been given?   Which choice brings pleasure to my LORD: to be angry and begrudge another or to forgive as I have been forgiven?  Thank YOU, LORD and STEPHEN for the modeling of forgiveness.  Choose wisely! 


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