Image result for person stretched out prayingAs I was preparing to share Acts 12 with my Bible study class, I loved loved the model of the church "earnestly praying."  The infant church had experienced the loss of Stephen who was martyred, and the Apostle James, the brother of John, had just been beheaded.  King Herod, because of the approval of the Jews for such an action, chose to imprison the Apostle Peter.  These had been major hits against the infant church that was growing and pushing the ole religious boundaries of the religious Jews. 

As I eyed the words, earnestly praying, I wanted to know what the Greek language had to say about the term, earnestly.  The word picture is being stretched to the extremities. In my mind's eye, I see one lying prostrate on the floor, totally vulnerable to whomever and whatever, but praying.  It was certainly not a small thing that Peter was imprisoned, based on the performance of Herod Agrippa, who was a mad-man full of pride and his treatment of James. Also, more than likely, Peter would have been executed the next morning.  You can bet, the church had an agenda as they were "stretched out to their extremities praying" for the church and for Peter.   

I wonder, as the body of Christ, are we stretched to our extremities in praying for family, the unsaved, the persecuted church, the terrorist groups, our own crises in the USA, unhealed hurts, forgiving spirits, ill people, etc.  I am again reminded of the ole adage of Nero fiddling while Rome was burning.  We are all stretched out about something.  Is it honoring and glorifying to the LORD GOD?  Do we not have an ALL POWERFUL SOVEREIGN GOD who is moved by the prayers of HIS people?  For our sake and the sake of the kingdom of the LORD JESUS, we as the body of CHRIST must be stretched to our extremities and PRAY for GOD'S gracious intervention.  


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