Guess who just screamed, "Gotcha"?  I bet you thought it was your mate, your family member, or maybe the aggravating circumstance that just grabbed your attention?  You blew your top, you expressed verbal disapproval, and the collateral damage was ugly.  The mop-up was time consumming nor was it fun!  

I am quickly mindful on this go round that "Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."  Will it be me?  The distractions are real: finances, family member may not be returning to college, and frail and needy family member. Oh yes, the aggravation of a fraud order in my name of an iPhone 7 and the time to go to the authorities to get this corrected.  All of these are real for sure, but my attitude CAN squeeze my joy or I can be willing to move to 1 Thessalonians 5:18 and begin to "Give thanks for all circumstances, for this is GOD'S will for you in CHRIST JESUS."  I am not a victim and I do HAVE A CHOICE.  AM I willing to align my attitude to the mind of CHRIST and the Word of GOD? 

Once the choice is made, the attitude can quickly surround itself with the Fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  OR I can gripe, belly-ache, whine, decide I am a victim, and just be obnoxious and drag the whole family into the fray so they will know how victimized I have been.  I mean, I need some supporters to validate my rights.  GUESS WHO THE AUTHOR OF THAT LIE IS?  

Today, LORD JESUS at 7:25 am, I choose to thank YOU for all the "crappy" distractions that seek to rob my joy.  Thank YOU for being SOVEREIGN and for reminding me, HOLY SPIRIT, that I can resist the roaring lion and stand firm in the faith. I also know that I am not the only one undergoing distractions.  Because YOU said so, I am more than a conqueror through CHRIST JESUS who loved me and gave HIMSELF for me.  What a strategy and a game changer for the day!


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