NEW god?

I have been a Facebook user since the beginning of the new genre of social media.  It does have tremendous power and is quite effectual in getting the message "out", also a reminder of the strength of words.  I am surprised that it has become the platform for emotional expressions of negative angers, petty grievances, complaints, and whines.  What is more surprising is that those of us who use it seek to stay positive, light- hearted, and use it to build up others, are accused of trying to put on being perfect and giving false appearances.  I am not sure that pouring out the feelings of being a victim and being all about getting the affirming words of others are true expressions of being transparent.  Am I willing to be transparent in sharing GOD'S mercies, grace, and compassion in my life? Or is it all about me and my "true" feelings?  My question, how does negativity build up others or glorify the LORD? 73 years of GOD'S mercy and grace poured out on me are replaced by my feelings of unmet needs, unhealed hurts, and expectation of others. That mercy and grace is what I choose to put on Facebook.

Facebook is not where This user chooses to pour out all my true feelings of disappointments, pain, disgust, anger, because some of my feelings are sinful, duh and are against others which in print could be painful to others. I have a Mighty All-Hearing God who is able to affirm me, encourage me, give me the healthy compassion, and forgiveness I need and the love for others.  As I am in HIS word, it is brought to my daily attention how flawed, finite, and frail I am...very far from any foolish idea of perfection or trying to give that image.  LIFE is a struggle and it is sometimes about pouring out my heart to God and trusting HIS word for the provision to withstand the pain, the disappointment, and judgments that come my way.  I refuse to be a victim,for the CROSS has delivered me from that position.  IT is all HIM and all grace. As the psalmist poured out his heart to GOD and unloaded many of his victim "crappy/garbaggie" feelings in being transparent, he was able, in most cases, to come away praising God.  I love love people and they are just blessings to me, however, I cannot count on others or even my immediate family to give me the understanding and the affirmation that I need.  ONLY HIM AND HIS GRACE are sufficient for my needs. GOD certainly knows HOW needy this person, ME, is and HE still loves me!  Amazing love, how can it be?   


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