As usual the curiosity of what the word, wrestling, means in the Greek, so I had to know. Agonizomai, intense energy, endeavor with strenuous zeal to accomplish something. I do get it! This wrestling in prayer was focused on interceding for others in prayer. I long ago figured out that I had NO resources of my own flesh and power to fix myself and others or to change circumstances or to cry out for grace and strength to withstand the circumstance. There had to be a Greater Source and that is the LORD GOD, and HIS divine tool/weapon is PRAYER. Because of the blood of Jesus and the fact that I am HIS child, I can appeal to HIM as El ELYON, the Most High and He as the residing JUDGE for the highest court, the SUPREME COURT OF THE LORD GOD, I am pleading for others and myself. It is work and especially when you do not "see" the data/change/answer that you want to see. The evil one tries to convince me that the effort is futile and powerlessness. I must decide if I am contending for the souls of others or am I willing to just accept "no visible change" and move on in my prayers?
I am not alone in my wrestlings for the HOLY SPIRIT intercedes with me here on earth and in the Heavens, the LORD JESUS, who is seated at the right hand of GOD, "ever liveth to intercede" for and with me. I am reminded that if GOD has put it on my heart, then my trust is that HE will accomplish. ONLY HE IS ABLE! Stand firm in HIS will and be fully mature and assured.
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