Wilderness of Whine, Complain, and Disobedience or Move Forward by Faith

All 663,000 male Hebrews, over the age of twenty, their wives and family are moving forward to claim the Promised Land already given to them. They have been positioned around the Tabernacle while in the desert.  One commentator says that to set up camp for this number would take about 12 square miles.  The roles of the Levites as priests have been explained; purity around the camp to control illness and disease have been set up; the Tabernacle is set up with all the necessary furniture; and then the observance of the second Passover.   I don't know the time period as to how long the crowd of people have been camped at the Sinai Desert, but the Lord is directing Moses to move on.  We come to chapter 11.."Now the people complained about their hardships in the hearing of the Lord, and when He heard them His anger was aroused." 

Numbers records seven instances where the people complained, whined, and disobeyed God.  (11:1, 11:4, 14:1-4, 16:3, 15:41, 20:2-3, and 21:5) Complaining's  Hebrew definition is murmuring or mourning.  Not that they did not have some inconveniences, fears of the land and the inhabitants, and lacks, but they had already seen the miracles that the LORD had provided.  It is interesting how complaining causes shortness of memory, ingratitude, and multiplied fears.  As I have so often thought of these wilderness wanderings and their complaining, I have to be willing to recognize what complaining is really saying to my Gracious Father:  "I don't think you know what is best for me."  "What you have provided is not good enough." "If you loved me, you would have provided....." "God, you have not taken care of me."  "God, you have forgotten me."  More than likely, we would not state this so blatantly, but the attitude pushing the complaints is just these kinds of statements. 

 I may not be with 2 million other travelers camping in a tent in a desert, but I have been months and years before the Lord interceding for others and requesting needs that I have, and have not seen breakthrough from the Lord to change the circumstances.  It is then, the real battle begins.  My options: Do I whine?  Do I complain? OR do I return to the promises of the Word of GOD and be at rest in HIS throneroom?  Ephesians says I am seated in the heavenlies with Christ Jesus, so I stay in the throneroom and wait upon HIM to do as HE promises. I then, out of faith, move to gratitude and praise.  Praise for what HE  has provided and thanksgiving for what HE will provide in HIS timing.  I am sure that with my impatient spirit, I would have experienced the fire of God to consume my ornery complaining  as did many who complained and God 's fire consumed them.  The choice:  to move on in faith or wander awhile longer in clothing that smells like it was purchased at a fire sale!


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