When I think of the term, wilderness, in Scripture, I often think of drought-ridden lands, desert, rocky, and barren scenes.  Yet the term also included steppe- like prairies and pasture lands.  That seems to make more sense when I read that the Hebrews also took their herds of cattle, goats, and sheep with them as they left Egypt.  

In Deuteronomy 8:2, the trek from Egypt to the Promised Land was only an eleven day venture, but it became a forty year adventure of disobedience, rebellion, and general distrust of God's heart for what HE had in mind for them.  I find it very interesting how the LORD states that HE led the Hebrews there "to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep HIS commands." 

In Matthew 4:1, Jesus "was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil."  In the first and the second instances, GOD or HIS Spirit led Jesus and the Hebrews.  I wonder did the GOD/MAN know that HE /he could sin?  Was HE/he tempted so that HE/he could so identify with the humanity that HE came to deliver from the slavery of sin and death under the evil one?  The GOD/MAN prevailed over the evil one and the choice to sin. 
  My own personal wilderness!  I have wrestled with who led me, self or the LORD GOD? Was I led there because of my own flesh and failure or was I led there for HIS divine purpose.  I have always thought of the wilderness as punishment, but I cannot deny God's provisions over and over again for the Hebrews in their wilderness wanderings, and I certainly can see GOD'S provision for the LORD JESUS in his desert experience.  While reading in Exodus and Numbers, I kept seeing the words, complaining and murmuring, the first reactions of the people as they entered the "wilderness".  I am understanding that my wilderness experience has been for the same purposes that God had with the Hebrews: to humble me, and HE is well acquainted with my stinking pride; to test/reveal to me the lies/sinful mindsets that I choose to operate from rather than the TRUTH of HIS WORD; and to be willing to TRUST the LORD GOD and HIS WORD/PROMISES.  I know the grace and mercy of the LORD and HE has been willing to allow me stay awhile longer in the wilderness when I complain and murmur rather than show a grateful and thankful spirit.  Will I be willing to be content and learn what HE desires to teach me in this season of wilderness, or will I like the Hebrews bow and stiffen my neck and lengthen the years of the experience? GOD has determined that you and I will be conformed to the image of the LORD JESUS.  At this point, I am thanking the LORD for this season and I had rather view it as a learning time rather than a time of punishment.  I have made several trips around some of the bushes and Mt. Sinai and I am ready to move on, LORD JESUS...when YOU say so. 


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