When the arrows, bullets, words, darts, or zings are flying at me, where do I run?  Sometimes I run to the refrigerator; sometimes I run and scrounge for chocolate that I have hidden from myself, being a reformed chocoholic; but I am learning to run to HIM, my Burden Bearer and HIS WORD of TRUTH seeking HIS perspective. My perspective can be so dredged with jaundice and default to the mindset of the ole man whom Calvary has already rendered dead if I choose to not go to the WORD of TRUTH. 

For years, I have marked up the Psalms with dates, with thoughts, with under linings of pens of all kinds and colors.  I  love David and his transparency before the LORD.  Thank the LORD that I can't identify with the barrage of enemies that David had or his feelings toward them which would almost fit on the front page of the Star Telegram, our local newspaper, with its reports of murders and abuses.  Hey, I can identify with his distress calls to the Lord, with his cries to the Lord, and with his pleadings for God to intervene.  

I was reminded this morning as I am preparing to facilitate Priscilla Shirer's The Armor of God for tonight: "You filter ever circumstance, personally and culturally, through the prism of HIS WORD instead of merely leaning on your feelings, political correctness, or the opinions of others."  I am learning or in process to view my circumstance under several Truths:  My God is Sovereign and He knows exactly what He is doing; (whether I understand or not is not in His equation); GOD is good, and He works for my spiritual well-being and not my comfort; His way is perfect.  "This God--His way is perfect; the word of the LORD proves true;  He is a shield for all those who take refuge in HIM>" Ps. 18:30.  This is from ole Dave, the man on the run from enemies for more than a decade, on the run from his own son who betrayed him, and Ole Dave who ran to God most of the time.  Be encouraged, run to HIM for His perspective and His wisdom.  


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