My red alert:  I am reminded repeatedly through my own life and the observation of the lives of others of all ages these eons of ages, that "doing as I damn-well please" has some repercussions that I really don't or didn't want to experience.  Of course, in teaching school and in Sunday School, we would call this action, rebellion, disobedience,  or not listening which are more acceptable statements than my phrase as stated earlier in this paragraph, but the impact of the action is still the same, painful! 

The evil one loves it when I give in to emotions that cradle and coddle me and allow me to think I am a victim of some one.  I would prefer to deflect the blame on to someone else because I am not sure I am ready to dig deeply into my own inner vows, strongholds, or mindsets to see what is going on in my life.  The evil one prefers to distract me and keep me so caught up in the hot messes that I don't or won't hunker down in the WORD of GOD  to see what is REALLY going on in my inner self. 

Sin once conceived and in full display and brought to my attention provides two choices:  I can run from and refuse to be "fingered" by the Holy Spirit of God who hates my sin and think I am hiding by ignoring, OR I can humble myself under the Mighty Hand of God and agree with HIM that my hot mess is mine alone, confess it, and trust HIM for the grace to endure and fight the good fight of faith.  Father God loves my willingness to humble myself and to desire integrity in my inner being. Be warned....have been there and I have several tee shirts!!


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