Lawsey, how I hate my pride! It is so insidious because it masquerades as insecurity, inferiority, comparing, competing, controlling, and conquering spirits.  It even cuddles up closely beside me and appears as if it is consoling my unmet needs, my unhealed hurts, or my unresolved issues.  Pride delights in reminding me that I may have been overlooked, opposed, disregarded, pushed aside, and maybe even pushed down.  Hence, I am a victim.  

Because I have full-fledged victim status, I have the right to victimize others.  I will show them!  I will do to others as they may have done to me, I have the right!

If this seems foreign to your thinking, take a look at our social media....I think our selfies suggest more than our image!  I am looking for someone or "many ones" to give me the affirmation I think I deserve. I am more interested in what others say of me than the TRUTH and affirmation that YOUR WORD speaks about me. 

I must confront the pride factor with the TRUTH of GOD'S WORD..."A man's pride brings him low, but a man of lowly spirit gains honor." Prov. 29:23  Prompt me, Holy Spirit of God to be alert to the whines, the complaints, and the insidious spirits of pride.  I understand from experience that my pride NEVER performs alone.  Thank You LORD, that whom YOU set free is free indeed!


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