There is so much nonsense about manhood today and the determinants  by which a man is identified.  Of course gender is the most obvious, yet there are authentic qualifying factors which are so needful for a man and his family if it is going to be spiritually healthy and to thrive in this culture, especially. Since he is the chosen and designated one to love his wife as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, he bears the responsibility to pray for his wife and the children whom God has entrusted him. Ephesians 5:33.  He is to be the priest to his family interceding and standing in spiritual battle for them.  An humble man on his knees, or a man praying, in my opinion, is the greatest portrayal of his mind, his heart,  his spirit, and his love for his God and family.

I would love to see media BOLDLY present a man with integrity and a moral sense of right and wrong and not be some Elmer Gantry sick mentality. Instead man, husband, son, father is portrayed as a child who needs his mother to instruct him. He is the comedic, the buffoon, the foolish one in the household acting out as the kids!  Is it no wonder that families are being destroyed?  We must have models to show us, to tell us, to teach us what is right and honorable.Ephesians 6:4. Our old Adamic nature is for every man to do as he sees fit in his own eyes...little effort required with that standard.  Let's face this fact, too often, culture takes it cues for manhood from what the images we have before us...GOD HELP US! Is it no wonder that there is confusion in our culture today?

As Christ followers, men and woman rise to the occasions and REFUSE  the lies that culture has placed before us, not with false piety and pride, but with humble and bold spirits, as point men in battle for the hearts of men, women, and children.  "The end of all things is near.  Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray."  I Peter 4:7



  1. Thank you for your comments. As men, we must seek to lead our families in a way that represents the gospel and Christ. We are sacrificial leaders that play a huge role in the development of our children and our wives. The only thing we can do is point them to Christ. Our culture is actively destroying manhood and I appreciate your comments on this. My prayer is that the Lord will revive the doctrine of manhood in our society.


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