
Showing posts from February, 2016


When I think of the term, wilderness, in Scripture, I often think of drought-ridden lands, desert, rocky, and barren scenes.  Yet the term also included steppe- like prairies and pasture lands.  That seems to make more sense when I read that the Hebrews also took their herds of cattle, goats, and sheep with them as they left Egypt.   In Deuteronomy 8:2, the trek from Egypt to the Promised Land was only an eleven day venture, but it became a forty year adventure of disobedience, rebellion, and general distrust of God's heart for what HE had in mind for them.  I find it very interesting how the LORD states that HE led the Hebrews there "to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep HIS commands."  In Matthew 4:1, Jesus "was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil."  In the first and the second instances, GOD or HIS Spirit led Jesus and the Hebrews.  I wonder did the GOD/...

Wilderness of Whine, Complain, and Disobedience or Move Forward by Faith

All 663,000 male Hebrews, over the age of twenty, their wives and family are moving forward to claim the Promised Land already given to them. They have been positioned around the Tabernacle while in the desert.  One commentator says that to set up camp for this number would take about 12 square miles.  The roles of the Levites as priests have been explained; purity around the camp to control illness and disease have been set up; the Tabernacle is set up with all the necessary furniture; and then the observance of the second Passover.   I don't know the time period as to how long the crowd of people have been camped at the Sinai Desert, but the Lord is directing Moses to move on.  We come to chapter 11.."Now the people complained about their hardships in the hearing of the Lord, and when He heard them His anger was aroused."  Numbers records seven instances where the people complained, whined, and disobeyed God.  (11:1, 11:4, 14:1-4, 16:3, 15:41, 20:2-3, a...


When the arrows, bullets, words, darts, or zings are flying at me, where do I run?  Sometimes I run to the refrigerator; sometimes I run and scrounge for chocolate that I have hidden from myself, being a reformed chocoholic; but I am learning to run to HIM, my Burden Bearer and HIS WORD of TRUTH seeking HIS perspective. My perspective can be so dredged with jaundice and default to the mindset of the ole man whom Calvary has already rendered dead if I choose to not go to the WORD of TRUTH.  For years, I have marked up the Psalms with dates, with thoughts, with under linings of pens of all kinds and colors.  I  love David and his transparency before the LORD.  Thank the LORD that I can't identify with the barrage of enemies that David had or his feelings toward them which would almost fit on the front page of the Star Telegram, our local newspaper, with its reports of murders and abuses.  Hey, I can identify with his distress calls to the Lord, with his cri...


For all of us who have believed the lies of the evil one about our worth, our value, and have believed that we are insecure, and inferior, I encourage you to RUN to Psalm 8:5: "YOU made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor."  The psalmist asked of Elohim, Creator God, "What is man that YOU are mindful of him?"   The next verse reminds us that HE has given us dominion over the works of His hands.  We are the highest of LORD GOD'S creation and HE has given us glory and honor.  This glory and honor was bestowed on man when in the Councils of Heaven that the HOLY TRINITY spoke the words, "Let US make man in OUR IMAGE, in our LIKENESS and let him rule....." Genesis 1:26 We, as God's highest creation crowned with glory and honor, became satan's target because of jealousy and his own fears.  I know well that satan, the deceiver did a real job on us in the Garden, but Calvary did the greatest damage on sata...


My word for the last couple of years:  Breakthrough!  I loved this definition, not my own, and don't recall where or who stated it, but I was drawn to it as I saw it.  A breakthrough is an offensive threat that penetrates and carries beyond a defensive line in warfare. For you who are finally awakening to the fact that we are in a spiritual warfare....WELCOME TO THE FIGHT OF FAITH!  Human kind has been in warfare since the Garden, but like Adam and Eve, we have chosen to blame, accuse, and condemn others without understanding that our weapons are NOT carnal, but we have divine power to pull down strongholds/mindsets lifted up against the TRUTH of God's Word. II Corinthians 10:3-5.  Our weapons are not words, doubled-up-fists, or hellish attitudes of apathy and ignorance.  Ephesians 6 is a great place to gather and get equipped with our armor for war.  Breakthrough suggests a very intentional proactive stance that we as Christ followers must take as...


As I watched the Superbowl last night, I observed the strategies for winning of Peyton Manning, Cam Newton, and their teams.  Both were impressive, stressed, and pressed. I know that there are some strategies which are doable and work for my best, and then there are some negative and hellish strategies, which are impactful and effective AGAINST me.  The author of these negative and hellish strategies is the evil one.  He seeks to kill, steal, and destroy or maim and render me useless for GOD'S purpose.  I have two passions which I daily give time, early in the morning, the reading and meditating in the Word of God, and prayer, interceding for others, rehearsing of His promises, and giving HIM my concerns and my needs.  Guess where the evil one seeks to attack and render me inoperative and useless for the sake of the HIS kingdom!  My prayer time and my time in the Word.  At times, God chooses to delay my requests and my intercessions for HIS Soverei...


I understand that we are supposedly a sophisticated, astute, and knowledgeable people, yet, it is IMPERATIVE that we understand another great piece of information and truth: that since the Garden of Eden, you and I have been in warfare with the evil one.  We, as the highest of the creation of the LORD GOD, are the targets of the evil one and his forces.  As a Christ follower, the evil one cannot possess you, but he can harass, oppress, and seek to squeeze the very Life of Christ in you.  He chooses to affect your circumstances, control, connive, and impress your emotions to focus on "what is going on" rather than on the TRUTH of the WORD of GOD.  Moses' song to the LORD, Exodus 15:3, "The LORD is a man of war; the LORD is His name."  Psalm 24:8 "Who is this King of glory? The LORD, strong and mighty, the LORD, mighty in battle."  Calvary is the scene of the greatest battle and the defeat of the evil one.  Colossians 2:14-15  "And you, who were d...