Each year as I begin the reading of Judges, I well recall the last statement of the book. "Everyone did as he saw fit".  Israel had no king, Joshua has died, generations have past and the present generation is in the quagmire of idolatry, raiders who plundered them, and they "forsook" God.  Amazing that when an individual, much less a nation, forsakes God that we have a mere thought that we will be healthy in mind and heart, that we will make wise decisions, and that our families will be whole physically, spiritually, emotionally, and economically.  What a lie and a deception that we have bought hook, line, and sinker!

Joshua reminded Israel that God had kept every promise that He made to Israel and that they would experience His blessing if they continued to be obedient and to model what they had been taught to their legacy.  Painfully, I read the newspaper, see the daily news, and check out social media to see the perspective prevailing today.  I am appalled at our foolishness and our rebellion. The same legacy that Israel passed on to the next generation...futility, hopelessness, and actions based on emotions and self perspectives we are passing along to our future generations.  

I call upon us who are Christ followers to be the army of the Lord God, Jehovah Nissi and the Jehovah Sabaoth, Lord of Hosts.  It is TIME, kiros not chronos (spelling?), to raise up and stand in His Name.  It is time to align our lives, our attitudes, and our actions with the WORD of GOD.  We must become intentional and devoted to be diligent to the Word of God.  If godless ideologies are willing to give their very lives for lies, then surely we who name the Name of the LORD would be willing to march against the headwinds of this culture and become a praying people who dare to pray and prey against the gates of hell. We are in spiritual warfare and we are called upon to unify in spirit to count the costs, and to follow HIM as a good soldier.  We must refuse to continue to be bogged down in the minutia of this age.  We have been seated in the heavens with Christ Jesus, our weapons are spiritual, and we must FIGHT THE FIGHT OF FAITH. We cannot remain directionally challenged and expect to prosper in His blessings as an individual or as a nation.   May we arise to the occasion for His sake, His glory, and the sake of our own godly heritage.    


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