I wonder, have we figured out and recognized the strategies that are on the agenda of the evil one in regard to each of us, personally?  Many strategies are subtle and then some are screamingly blatant.  his (I refuse to capitalize the evil one or his personal pronouns) most effective strategy is keep you and me so busy that we are wearied, drained, and maybe too exhausted to spend time in the Word and prayer for refueling time because "we don't have time!"

Our Model, the LORD JESUS in Luke 4-5 begins His ministry in Galilee, teaches with great authority, heals Peter's mother-in-law, provides a miraculous catch of fish, heals a man with leprosy, heals a paralyzed man, eats with a bunch of sinners at Matthew's home, and the harried pace continues.  We come to chapter 6 and verse 12, "One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God." Even the GOD-MAN knew being divine and human was draining and exhausting.  Every activity was for  good, yet HE knew when to withdraw and refuel.  

Oft times, we may need to examine our good and the motive.  Is it God led activity, or is it because of my ego under deception trying to find some commendation and approval from others?  Can we get so busy because we are so talented, gifted, and able that we "can" do the activity and do it well, but is this a God assignment?  The ole seductive strategy of bait and switch, wanting to help and be a blessing, but ending up weary, disappointed, and no time for refueling time with the LORD.  Our best yes to an assignment must be God anointed and appointed to keep our energies, emotionally and physically, from being spent on ego centered activities.  God's promise to us, Psalm 32:8, "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;  I will counsel you and watch over you."  For your sake, JUST draw aside and ASK HIM! 


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