The prophet, Nathan, has to confront David for his sin that he thought was hidden.  Isn't it interesting the self-deception that David is under to even consider that the ALL- KNOWING, ALL -WISE, ALL- SEEING, ALL- HEARING GOD was totally ignorant of his sin with Bathsheba and his directed murder of her husband, Uriah, who had been one of his faithful strong warriors and protectors.  The prophet first uses a story of a rich man and a poor man who owns a ewe lamb.  The rich man takes the ewe lamb from the poor man and cooks it for his guest.  Upon hearing the story, David immediately answers rightly but he has been so consumed with lust and his own greed that he does not consider his words: "the man who did this deserves to die!  He must pay for that lamb four times over, because he did such a thing and had no pity."  Can't you just hear Nathan, "You are the man" and then he boldly pokes his finger into the face of King David?  

As if that direct confrontation wasn't painful enough, the next question is so convicting and devastating, "Why did you despise the word of the LORD by doing what is evil in His eyes?" Despise/bazah meaning vile, worthless, regard with contempt.  It is too easy to look at King David and point my accusing finger at his sin, but quickly the Spirit speaks to me, "When you choose to not obey me, you are despising my Word."  I cringe to be so arrogant to treat God's Word as worthless or regard with contempt.  I have not considered my disobedience so flagrantly hellish and arrogant.  King David, though a man after God's own heart, bore the long term consequences of his evil decisions.  He was forgiven, but the consequences were not ignored.

With the pain going on in Dallas, the USA, and our World at large,  we cannot continue to ignore the WORD of God, despising it and thinking it is antiquated and does not speak to our present culture. We have ignored the Word hence ignoring God, and He is simply allowing us to reap what we have sown and what we have demanded, our own damnable ways!  May the LORD GOD WHO IS RICH IN MERCY AND GRACE HAVE MERCY ON US!   FORGIVE US, LORD GOD. 


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