Chapter 7 of John closes with each person went to his own home, BUT Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.  I was reminded that Jesus said that He had no place to lay His head.  I wondered about the Mount of Olives and its significance to the LORD?

Mount of Olives was east and about one mile from Jerusalem.  It is to be the location when the LORD physically returns that He will set His holy feet.  It was about 200 feet above the Kidron Valley and it was elevated enough that looking back, Jesus could view the city of Jerusalem with its hustle and bustle of city life. The Mount of Olives was probably one of Jesus favorite solace locations.  Reading through the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and now John, the attention is brought to the hostility, the jealousy, and the murderous intentions of the religious teachers and Pharisees who shadowed Jesus.  The question again comes to my wondering heart, how does the GODMAN not sin and refuse to take all of the abuse and hatred internally into His mind and heart?  As GOD, He could not sin, but as Man, HE had choices.

I am thinking, with little evidence from Scripture, that the Mount of Olives and the mention of other isolated places that Jesus would withdraw, became His places to hammer out the will and the purpose of the Father for Him.  Could it be that the intimacy in prayer that He experienced with His Father was such that it strengthened His resolve NOT to sin?  I understand in this life, I will NOT ever experience spiritual perfection regardless of my prayer life or any activity, but I do know that spending time with my Father buoys me above the grime and crap of  any circumstances that I could so easily focus. Intimacy with the LORD GOD is that place of humility that I am called and challenged to submit to His authority, His power, His mind, and to His grace.   How desperately I need the mind of Christ to prevail above all that I see, hear, and read.  "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive." 2 Chronicles 7:14  How many Orlando, Paris, 911, etc do I need, do we need before we humble ourselves, seek His face, repent of our sin and experience forgiveness and healing?  MARANATHA, (Come Quickly) LORD JESUS!  


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