As I opened my Twitter account, my eyes and heart were drawn toward a picture of an Iraqi woman holding a child with numerous children in the background.  The caption read that she was 30 years old with 3 children.  She had been taken captive by Issis and that she was raped as many times as 9 times a night...to be "religious", the statement was, "married and divorced" by men.  I immediately felt revulsion, her pain, her anger, and her hopelessness.  I do not know if she was a Christian, however it was stated that she had a cross tattoo on her arm.  WE must rally to pray!

I WONDER? As a Christ follower, what are we going to do?  A quote was also on the feed later, "You can't make footprints on the sands of time by sitting on your butts..and who wants buttprints?" Inspire_Us.  The greatest weapon we have as Christ followers is prayer.  It is the most direct, the most powerful, and the most loving action we can do until The LORD orders our next step of action.  Our buttprints are equivalent to the old statement that "Nero fiddled while Rome was burning."  WE must rally to pray!

I WONDER? As a Christ follower, what is going to be our action about the elections in November?  Do we glibly stand by and complain, or can we gather and pray?  Church history records that during persecution by Rome and religious leaders, the church increased and the gospel was spread throughout the uttermost parts of the world.  What are WE willing to involve and invest for the sake of the Kingdom of the LORD JESUS, the Body of Christ, and people who do not know the good news of the Gospel? (I recognize we have some of the same mentality about human life with the abuses and murders going on in our country.  We must call it what it is: SIN!)  WE must rally to pray!

I WONDER? As a Christ follower, what action are we going to take as we see 50 nations who brutalize and murder 322 Christians a month, who destroy 214 Christian churches and properties, and commit 722 violent acts against Christians?  (OpenDoors.org)  Are we defenseless or do we have spiritual weapons?  As the Body of Christ, LET'S RALLY TO PRAY!


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