I don't mean to go random, but there are some days that I just wonder and make observations.  Of course, my wonder and my observations are not fingered by Scripture which is the standard or the authority of Truth for me.
  • I wonder if the real WORK/TOIL in prayer is staying persistent and consistent even when I don't see any physical evidence of what I have prayed?  In some cases, people or objects for whom or which I have prayed for decades now and I continue to pray and wait upon the LORD. 
  • I know I am not the first or only to get discouraged trying to be obedient and focus on being seated in the heavenlies with Christ Jesus when some presses are going on about me or against me.
  • I wonder since we have been given the earth over which to rule from Ps. 115:16, at what point does God choose to intervene and overrule our "crappy" choices?
  • My security must be grounded in You, Alone, Lord Jesus because all else that I would trust is flawed, frail, and fragile, alias, DUST and fleeting!
  • I wonder, in my reading today, as I see that Saul was rejected from being king because of disobedience, and ole King Dave had some real acts of disobedience and not rejected by the Lord?
  • I am not calling the Sovereign LORD GOD, DESPOTES, to give an account, just trying to understand based on the TRUTH that GOD is good and knows exactly what HE is doing. 
  • Last thought, as I prepared for Sunday, what specifically does the LORD want us to learn about the death of Ananis and Sapphira?  I know HE hates lies. but fear of being struck dead is not the lesson.  Yet I understand that as Christ Followers we have become lax, even sloppy and tolerant about lying, even renaming as misspeaks!  
  • THANK YOU, ALL-WISE GOD that as Sovereign, YOU DO WHATEVER PLEASES YOU, Ps. 115:3 even though, I don't understand as mere mortal me! I TRUST YOU and I am not required to understand.   


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