As I study the armor of God that He has provided for us as soldiers in warfare from Ephesians 6, I take notice that in order for me to remain strong and experience His strength, I must PUT ON the whole armor of God.  The command is the putting on of the WHOLE armor, not just a part that I may want to put on as if I was choosing a certain dress for the day or an accessory for it.  The command suggests a very intentional action on my part to put on the WHOLE armor.  

He is even gracious enough to give us a reason to put on the whole that we may be able to stand.  We have a marvelous position and inheritance in Christ, and we must be willing to not give ground to the evil one.  We set our feet on that ground, that position provided because we are in relationship with HIM and HIS victory at Calvary and the empty tomb over sin and death.  We are reminded our enemy has an M/O...steal, destroy, and to kill or render ineffectual, inoperative, and wounded emotionally.  We stand our ground in HIM, Christ Jesus, and against him, the evil one!

In verse 13, we are told the second step, to TAKE UP the whole armor being prepared as a soldier to resist or oppose because the evil day is any and every day.  In Romans 8 we have already been declared that we are "more than conquerors" but it is up to you and me to be mindful that we must stand our ground and be prepared to enter the fray.  In fact, Paul reminds us, "having done all", TO STAND FIRM". Verse 14 opens with the same phrase, "STAND THEREFORE" in light of the facts that the evil one has schemes/methods to use against us and the evil day can come at anytime, anywhere, and any day, we are commanded to TAKE UP the whole armor.

We must be mindful that the evil one comes with and without an invitation.  The warfare began in Genesis 3 and will continue against every human being until the day when HIS enemies shall be permanently placed in hell where they belong. Our greatest weapon in our spiritual armor, "praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.  To that end, KEEP ALERT with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints." Stay alert for the fight is on and we fight the good fight of FAITH knowing we belong to the ONE who is VICTOR and we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus.  


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