The Oregon events are a mirror of the events that have taken place multitudinous times throughout this new century on school campuses, college campuses, in churches, and in homes in the USA.  These practices have occurred in the nations throughout the world also. As a parent, what are we missing in the lives of our son or daughter that we are shocked and wounded when lives are taken by the choice of the son or daughter and we do not even know their hearts?  Are they so distanced from us that we are unaware of their pain, their questionings, or their separation from us emotionally? 

I wonder when does the estrangement take place?  Over a period of time?  An immediate decision?  Being a retired teacher, I know their is some brokenness in education and in us teachers, but we cannot bridge the gap which is there in the home, the environment where the child is supposed to thrive mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  I am shocked what is NOT taught and modeled in the home and we as teachers are held accountable for the safety and welfare of all students to protect, to teach, to model, to love, and to instill etiquette and morals.  My greatest robber of time was spent teaching/reteaching/reteaching 9 year old students appropriate language, behavior toward one another, and basic morals!  Education and parents have blamed poverty and lack of education, but the problem is lack of character. It is a heart problem!  

These are certainly perilous times and these times call forth courageous, intentional, and unselfish actions on our parts as mature adults.  We must model and we must be accountable for these children we have birthed.  We must understand that they are treasures and that their potential must be guided by loving and healthy caring parents who see the child as a gift of the Lord.and desire to parent with grace. I failed at points, but because of GRACE, I marvel at what God has done in my sons in spite of me.  ALL GRACE!


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