Pride is so seductive, secretive, and at times, subtle.  It shows up outwardly as inferiority, insecurity, sometimes bashfulness, timidity, or fearful.  We give it several names as it outward flashes like a neon sign.  It often poses as a mere weakness or frailty, but the real culprit is PRIDE.  We seek to control, conquer, complete, compare, and connive.  When any behavior, attitude, or thoughts gives off the aroma of  "it is all about me, my feelings, my hurts, my expectations of others, my thoughts, my behavior when I asked to account for my words  and am offended", yulp, PRIDE as again reared its ugly head and is ready to build a beachhead in my heart or mind.  

Especially today, I was reading in 2 Chronicles 26 about King Uzziah and how he had a heart to please the Lord,  and the Lord even blessed and prospered him.  When he was strong, Scripture records in verse sixteen, he grew proud, to his destruction.  He even became unfaithful to the Lord, entered the temple of the LORD to burn insense on the altar of incense.  He presumptuously took the role of priest, and when corrected by the priests who were present, he became angry, and lepropsy broke out on his forehead.  He spent his remaining years excluded from the position as king in a house secluded unto himself.  His son goverened the land.  

For years, I saw my insecurity, my inferiority, and fear as part of my character weaknesses.  One day, I decided to call each of these weakness for what they had become: strongholds which pride had built up with high walls.  Praise the LORD, He paid a supreme price for my sin of pride!  I have chosen to call ole stinking pride into accountability and call it by its proper name, SIN plus some more sin, idolatry!  The Holy Spirit is very adept to finger the thought, the attitude, and the behavior.....PRAISE HIS NAME!  I am in PROCESS!


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