Words and More Words

This week has not been calm! I have completed 39 TPRI and DRA Fluency Probes. I will finish one DRA on Monday. I was thrilled that 9 of the 20 reached the district goal of 90+ and 5 more could be ready if there is no slacking off reading in the summer. All 20 have made progress toward 90 or 90+. I am so grateful for the work of parents, Mrs. Goin, and students. This was our first go at Daily 5 for second grade.
Reading is all about words, communication. I have to correct myself with the words I speak to the students..I do have a wonderful Inner Counselor who taps me on the shoulder to remind me that the stress is running out and I will be careless if I am not careful. Surely as an adult, I can be more careful and not discourage any of these guys and girls.
Second graders? Sometimes they become intrigued with words, especially inappropriate words that are seen and heard in media, even on computer games, and from others about them. We have been self -correcting with the guys about their sometimes inappropriate words, and the girls about their friendships, and how delicate and sensitive they can be. It is amazing that hours could be spent on relationships and being kind to one another! Well the summer is rapidly approaching. Please be attentive to what your second grader sees and hears, especially from others about them: their playmates, other friends, extended family, media, etc. Have a great week-end!


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