The doors of bronze could be the thoughts which I may have formulated which are about circumstances that seem to imprison me. They may or may not be based on the TRUTH of the Word of God. They may be based on my default mindset and the responses I have toward the circumstance. As I practice the default mind set, it can become bronze, stubborn and unhealthy. Or it could become a healthy mindset which is committed to Truth and be unchanging with the winds of cultures' thoughts and presses. It all depends on what and whom I am willing to yield my power to think.
Once imprisoned in the circumstance depending on the mindset of my responses, the bars can become iron. Iron, of course being less impregnable to shattering of brass and being able to cut in two calls for the Mighty work of the LORD JESUS to remove the restraints.
Will I dare to allow the LORD to "finger" those unhealthy thoughts which are held in check with doors of bronze and bars of iron? I must realize that not only are my thoughts imprisoned, but so am I and by lies and unhealthy expressions. 2 Corinthians 10:3 calls these unhealthy mindsets strongholds. We have been empowered by the resident HOLY SPIRIT if HE is our Savior and LORD, "We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ". Do I understand that of myself, I am powerless to shatter the bronze doors and the bars of iron? ONLY HE IS ABLE! HIS work was completed at Calvary where HE "victored" over sin and death. Because HE overcame, I too, you also, have been declared an over-comer. The work is finished. My response is to yield and allow the Spirit of God to instruct me in Truth and to practice what HE is teaching me. Get into the Word of GOD and devour it!
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