Timothy reminds the reader to gently instruct the one opposing what is being taught rather than quarreling or being resentful.  It is GOD'S desire to grant repentance and leading the opposer to the knowledge of truth.  

If we are to gently instruct, I am thinking that there may be a further caveat or resolve: I will allow my "conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that I may know how to answer everyone."  Colossians 4:6.  I agree, this is a stretch....always full of grace!  Of course, I love to receive grace, and I am reprimanded that I don't get to hoard it from anyone at anytime with the word, all. Paul's always, every, at all times, in everything are  spiritually stretching words for me because there is that tendency to default to defending and vindicating self!  Too make it short, salty, and simple.  Salt works a drying out agent that limits bacteria, mold, and spoiling.  When salt is applied, it causes the object too be so dry that it cannot support harmful bacteria or mold.  Of course, this was the preserving agent before refrigeration. I want to be a preserver and not an agent of harm to another while in conversation.  Also, I want to know how to answer anyone and Paul graciously gives the answer, no excuse of ignorance on my part.

Bottom line:  Because I desire to be teachable, I will humble myself, and I will trust the INDWELLING HOLY 
SPIRIT to keep me alert to others and in my conversation, I will resolve, with HIS STRENGTH. to season it with grace and oh, yes, PLEASE PASS THE SALT SHAKER!  I realize that this is a process and not a once and for all, and it is done. 



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