Paul is reminding his son in the LORD to not get involved with the quarrel of words or "foolish and stupid arguments".  He rather suggests that Timothy gently instruct the one is who opposing him in the hope that GOD will grant the hearer repentance which might lead him to the knowledge of truth and that he will come to his senses and escape the trap of the devil, who has taken him captive to do his will.  2 Timothy 2:24-26.  Sounds like wise counsel to me rather than wrangling over words and causing damage to the relationship.  

Our social media enjoys the wrangling and the freedom of expression which sometimes gives little thought to consequences of what is being said.  I understand that we have the right to the freedom of speech, but I wonder does the right heal the pain of the words that were expressed?  I am not thinking of the hyper-sensitivity which is so public which is really pride but rather, a wounding of another by words.  Years ago, an old friend always said, "Talk is cheap!"  Rather, our words should be as we have been encouraged, to be words which are seasoned with salt and to be words of grace and truth for preserving another's dignity and person hood.  

I know some of the hearers may be thick-headed and stubborn, but screaming, arguing, and threatening WILL not cause the hearer to hear.  Gently instruct might mean that we need to step up or in close, lower our voice, look in the eyes, and express kindly what is on our hearts to share.  TOO bad, I did not know that Scripture when I had three sons at home!  Rather than take a personal pride stance of the mindset of being right, I am called upon to "clothe myself in humility and humble myself."  I am so very thankful for those who have gently instructed me and pushed me forward!


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