Well, It Has Been Awhile!

While I was with 3 of my 6 "sisters" someone mentioned a blog that we could all talk back and forth. I set up a very crude KISS blog and so far Phyllis and myself are the only two who have blogged. We will see. It may be a turn off for the other sisters.

This month, one of my continuing education classes was writing. Then a few days later, I picked up a book from my last 4th grade round: Absolutely Write! Teaching the Craft Elements of Writing by Tommy Thomason and Carol York. One of his major statements which was AHA for me: Use a Writer's Notebook and just write! Just do it. Enjoy the process and have fun, and do not worry about the product.

Last Sunday, I taught from Jeremiah in Bible study. It has also helped me to connect some dots for future reference concerning inferiority and insecurity. Jeremiah 2:11 b, "But my people have exchanged their Glory for worthless idols. Be appalled at this, O Heavens, and shudder with great horror." The word, glory, is the word, kabod in Hebrew. It means value, weight and abundance. What happened to us Lord, in the Beginning, you said in Genesis 1:27, You said, "So God created man in his own image in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them." In the Beginning, we were given a position in Creation of Superiority, but with the bite of the forbidden fruit, we made the exchange of Glory of God on us for the position of inferiority with all the unhealthy fruits that go with inferiority. God saw our desperation and already had in His mind and on His heart, the Lord Jesus being sacrificed so that we could be restored and reconciled back to Him, Father God. When we receive Him as Lord and Savior, we are given a new mind, a new heart, and a God-like image which according to His purpose is to conform us to the Image of the Dear Lord Jesus. Sin was defeated at the cross, satan was defeated and his tools were rendered as ineffective. I wonder why would we choose to believe the lies that we are less than, we are inadequate, and we are inferior.....WE ARE of ourselves, but because of the Lord God, He placed into us the Holy Spirit to empower and to teach us TRUTH. Oh, that I might love TRUTH more the the excuses that I give for inadequacies and failures. I submit to you Dear Spirit of God, You empower and use me as you see fit and as you desire.


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